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Webinar: Value-driven risk management - from a chore to real added value

Almost daily, the media report on successful cyber attacks or accidental data loss. Against the backdrop of an ever-increasing complexity, the question arises whether we are dealing with the right issues when it comes to cyber security. A sensible risk analysis should remedy this and is indeed already required by law for many sectors. Often, however, only a very superficial look is taken at abstract risks or one gets lost in endless, useless Excel lines. But what if the mandatory task of risk management delivered real added value from which the company can continuously benefit in its day-to-day operations and in its digitalisation projects? This webinar provides answers to questions such as what is risk management actually for, what added value does it provide for companies and how can you operate your ISMS efficiently with TTS trax.

Watch the webinar (German)

Webinar: Information security in hospitals: how to respond to the new threat environment

Toward the end of 2020 the already worrying threat situation due to targeted cyber attacks, blackmail attempts and sabotage on German hospitals has once again significantly worsened. What are the implications for the security of information processing (availability, confidentiality, integrity, authenticity) and, subsequently, patient safety? How can we tackle the task of bundling the available resources in the best possible way and how can we develop systematic solution strategies? How can this be implemented as effectively as possible in practice?

We will address these questions in the webinar using selected practical examples.

  • The threat situation is coming to a head. Despite the considerable efforts by hospitals, the protection goals of availability, confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and, as a result, patient safety are under threat.
  • Information security is not just an IT issue, but requires systematic management throughout the entire organisation.
  • The subject is too complex for blanket solutions. A targeted approach is imperative which, in turn, requires systematic risk management.
  • What can something like this look like in practice?

Thanks to our many years of experience working with numerous companies from various sectors, we have a broad pool of situation-dependent best-practice approaches regarding ISMS implementations and systematic risk management.

Watch the webinar (German)

Webinar: KRITIS operate securely with an ISMS tool

KRITIS operators are nowadays confronted with an intensified cybersecurity threat situation at the same time that regulatory requirements are constantly increasing. The complexity of risk management and evidence management is almost impossible to manage with traditional tools. But how about having an intuitive tool that also offers the most flexible configuration possible with regard to KRITIS requirements?

Webinar: KRITIS operate securely with an ISMS tool

KRITIS operators are nowadays confronted with an intensified cybersecurity threat situation at the same time that regulatory requirements are constantly increasing. The complexity of risk management and evidence management is almost impossible to manage with traditional tools. But how about having an intuitive tool that also offers the most flexible configuration possible with regard to KRITIS requirements?

Watch the webinar (German)

Webinar: Wie ein ISMS-Tool bei der Umsetzung eines B3S-Krankenhauses unterstützt

Krankenhäuser werden heutzutage mit einer verschärften Bedrohungslage bei der Cybersicherheit konfrontiert, gleichzeitig nehmen die gesetzlichen Anforderungen stetig zu. Mit dem neuen § 75c des SGB V sind auch kleinere Häuser dazu verpflichtet den B3S umzusetzen.

TTS trax nimmt Sie beim Einstieg in das Informationssicherheitsmanagement an die Hand und unterstützt Sie auch weiterführend im laufenden Betrieb. Im Webinar zeigen wir Ihnen, wie das funktioniert.

Jetzt Webinar ansehen

TTS trax – The smart tool for an efficient ISMS